My Hands

Baby hands, slippery with dribble, Fascinating. Next, with fingers chubby and sticky, Practising with a teaspoon, Diving into a Squat Tiggywinkle dish. New year’s Eve, woken by party noise, Arms upstretched, Hands lifted high to joyful, incomprehensible Auld Lang Syne. Nine years old. Walking with Dad. His large warm hand, Safe. Teenager. Too young. Engagement […]
What makes you think?
Below is a list of the things that pass through my head on a regular basis. You might have others, if so, add them in the comments. What I am asking you to do, is sort them into order. Not of how important you think they are but of how often you estimate you have […]
I got my reward today
I may have mentioned before that the world is largely populated by good people. The problem is, the impact of bad people has a powerful negative effect on us and stays in our mind for weeks, even months. But when we read or hear of someone doing something good, we think How lovely, and forget […]
Fat Girl Fat 3 – dieting makes you fat

After my latest research, I am depressed – or I would be if I weren’t a Buddhist and as such, an optimist. I now understand a lot more about my body. My frustration arises from the knowledge that I have, as suspected, damaged my body through continuous yoyo dieting, allegedly for good. But I still […]
Fat Girl Fat 2 – Childhood

In December 1929, during a wild storm, my mother was born. By the time she was eleven, the country was at war and food rationing had been introduced. She told me that during wartime, she was permanently hungry. Even though the family kept chickens and goats and grew vegetables, things such as butter were almost […]
Fat Girl Fat – 1

I once watched a program (Thirty Something, 1980s and 90s) where four friends each listed how they saw themselves. You know: Mother, wife, teacher, that kind of thing. I don’t know why it has stayed with me but occasionally, I will formulate my own little list, and it never starts Mother, wife… even though I […]
A Weekend in Whitstable

Last Friday, Whizz, Milo-the-dog and I climbed aboard Gus (Gazzler) and proceeded, in the rain, towards my mum’s house on the outskirts of Whitstable. The forecast assured us of sunshine from tomorrow and that kept our spirits up, even though our first stop was to be at the Crematorium to collect my dad’s ashes. This […]
Uplifting Floral Tribute

Once, when asked what my favourite flowers were, I said Fresias, which, along with sweet peas, I do love. Both varieties are delicate and scented. But lately, I have fallen for tulips. I love the way they bow down over the edge of their vase, I even love it when they drop their petals strategically […]
Welcome to the world of Pebbleditch

If you are expecting a lot of information on how to write, or about the ‘writing process’, you have come to the wrong blog. I know! Weird isn’t it? I’m a writer who wants people to buy her books and I’m not going to bang on about them. I won’t promise never to mention writing, […]
Not a good fit

You might remember a prior blog about purchasing things that turn out to be the wrong size; we’ve all done it, have we not? Last time for us, it was a drinks fridge and a pot of fajita seasoning, this time it was two items, one minor and the other major – in both size […]