Spirit of…
Each of us is subject to our emotions. Given the present state of the world, it would be easy for us to lose hope. What difference will our small action make in light of the enormity of the evil and selfishness we witness daily in our newspapers, on our TV screens and hear on our […]
On the matter of bras
The older and flabbier I become, the more my bras matter. I know I should be less flabby. Of course, that’s the answer, but as you will have read here, it’s not that easy for me. Consequently, over the years, my bras have grown larger and less sexy. I’ve even bought some of those extensions […]
Farewell Old Friend
We bought you on a drunken whim,Collected you from a Lincoln farm,You cried and whined on the journey home,Sliding and slithering in your pee. We showed you, tiny, to the cats.Tabby and black one, not impressed,Withdrew upstairs to taunt, and poo,Into a stinking litter tray.(which you would have eaten if given the chance) Soon after, […]
All this time I’ve been slaving over a hot keyboard!
Did you know there is such a thing as dictation software? I expect you did – in theory. Have you ever tried it? I suppose I did know it was possible to write this way, and I’m told it’s much quicker. But I never considered it for my book writing. In fact, I’m not entirely […]
Middle Class Politics
I’ve heard it said that we begin our politics on the left, and as we grow older, move towards the right. In my usual manner, being a bit backward or occasionally upside down, I started off right wing and moved leftwards. To explain what I mean about the backward/upside down thing, I have been known […]
Dog and Cat Tale
It was a long time ago, in the days when Gizzy the cat was alive and our dog was still black around the muzzle. Gizzy did not like Milo (the above mentioned, below pictured dog). She never trusted him after our other dog, Nellie, a rescue with anger issues, caught her by the head and […]
Buddhist Poem
I wrote this poem for an SGI Buddhist Discussion Meeting I was unable to attend. Hope you enjoy it. Nam Myoho Renge Kyo.
Dress Dense
This article contains what I hope will be taken as affectionate references to book makers (I don’t think I could be called bookie-ist) and gay men (a quote). Also, I apologise to Whizz for exposing his sartorial secrets. I love my husband. I stuck with him even though he turned up on our first date […]
My Hands
Baby hands, slippery with dribble, Fascinating. Next, with fingers chubby and sticky, Practising with a teaspoon, Diving into a Squat Tiggywinkle dish. New year’s Eve, woken by party noise, Arms upstretched, Hands lifted high to joyful, incomprehensible Auld Lang Syne. Nine years old. Walking with Dad. His large warm hand, Safe. Teenager. Too young. Engagement […]
What makes you think?
Below is a list of the things that pass through my head on a regular basis. You might have others, if so, add them in the comments. What I am asking you to do, is sort them into order. Not of how important you think they are but of how often you estimate you have […]