
Let’s talk about technology. I may have mentioned that Whizz is keen on gadgets. We have phones – well, doesn’t everyone? and laptops, with many extra monitors. When Whizz leaves work, he shares his ETA with me and I can watch his progress on Apple Maps: a little circle containing his face with a creepily […]
Procrastination and other things

Why do I write? Well, to be honest I don’t much, there’s less to write about these days. Amusing events rarely occur now that the kids have left home, the dog has passed on and Grabber, our lodger’s dog, has ceased his grabbing and jumps onto an armchair, rotates a few times, and settles patiently […]

Four years ago, Whizz and I bought Mavis a ‘therapy pet’ for her birthday. You might be imagining a cute little kitty, a furry bunny or a playful puppy but no, it was a hamster, which Mavis and her two housemates named Toast. As you can imagine, buying a hamster includes the purchase of specialist […]
Salad Days

At the age of 68, rather than writing myself off (literally), I decided I still had a lot to offer the world of employment. I was prompted to this by friends who refused to give in to age and have built successful careers after retirement – made me feel a bit ‘undynamic’, actually. But it […]
Cat expressions

In my experience, the feelings of cats are usually ‘expressed’ from their nether regions (see what I did there?) In years gone by, I and certain members of my family-stroke-social-circle (another pun) owned pets of the feline variety. Now, I wonder what we were all thinking. There are so many reasons to keep cats safely […]
My Mum – again

As I have mentioned in the past, my mother is 93 (born 1929). Currently, her energies are directed at moving herself into residential care. This project, she is undertaking with her usual energy, and to support her in it I and my siblings have been visiting regularly. Mum loves it when I am at her […]
Can you hear me Mother?

My mother is 93 and very deaf. She has been quite deaf for years. In fact, when she was my age, she was noticeably hard of hearing. I am deeply grateful that I don’t seem to have been saddled with such an affliction. A visit to Mum is fraught with misunderstanding. A visitor might come […]
Measuring up

Today, Whizz, Mavis, Horace, Kerching and I will set off for Shitstable – so named because of its unenviable connection with raw sewage. We head for a rented house where we will entertain the Shitstable and OtherTV and Bogthin (work that one out!) branches of the family – by that I mean my sister, brother, […]
Voting with our hearts

It is quite obvoius to me and presumably to most of us, that the Conservative party has shown a lack of wisdom during this parliament, and it follows that those who voted them in showed poor judgement too. It is so easy to think that we have a two, possibly three party system, a vote […]

Whizz has a new job. It involves a short daily commute – about 10 miles – to Duckchester. Accustomed to working from home and taking daily exercise on our cross trainer (another story), he soon found this sedentary job resulted in noticable expansion of his girth. This was not good. Neither was the soaring cost […]