Recipes for Horace

Four years ago, or maybe more, I promised HoraceI would write down all my recipes for her so she wouldn’t starve at university. Despite the fact that she didn’t even know how to bake a potato, and that I completely failed to fulfil my promise, Horace is still as large as life and cooking with […]

Milo and Nellie – progress report

I’ve just read back through the previous post about the dogs and I think things are slightly better. Milo no longer slinks about, he has re-established his place in the family -in fact he is rather bossy with Nellie, particularly if we are in the picture. I think it’s right to say that Milo is […]

A new dog

I think I’ve mentioned that Whizz and I were considering the acquisition of a second mut. On Saturday morning, the first day of the half term break, which is usually allotted as lie-in morning, we found ourselves, at 8.30, meeting a van from Ireland that barked. We had been up since 6.30 and were in […]

Three Husbands

Sadly, but also happily, Sloggo (see The Cast) died recently. He had been suffering from MS for many years and had gone from being a teddy bear to a bundle of twisted sticks. His funeral was held in Cornwall and Whizz and I took a day off work and travelled the 275 miles to Bodmin […]

Theme Tunes

Hum the theme tune to Star Wars. Now… can you hum the theme tune to Indiana Jones? It’s quite impossible to find one after humming the other!

Milo has fun

I have made a new circle of friends, the Dog Brigade. This is not to be confused with dogging which is, arguably, pretty sociable however not on my list of must do activities. The joy of walking Milo had, until quite recently,receded in direct proportion to the increased adversity of the weather. Now though, I […]

Happy New Year

The last time I posted was at the beginning of the month. We had been ill. Things didn’t get any better. On 12th December we had a bit of a gathering in anticipation of Christmas. It was good fun, the last good fun we had. Oh woe are we! On 13th Whizz reported to Accident […]

A slight improvement

Firstly I have to apologise to my husband for the implication that he is too lazy to cook. The reason that cooking seemed too much trouble for him yesterday was that he has been poorly too. My comment that I don’t know why I bother was more to do with the fact that he’s more […]

What I haven’t done

Today I’ve been ill, nothing serious, just a cold but I haven’t had a cold in years so it’s been particularly horrid. So here’s what I haven’t done: No washing up … No recycling … No dog walking. Whizz took him but the dog looked a bit worried… No cooking – to speak of. To […]

I’m Inspired

I was pointed to this blog by someone called Mathmaniac who posts on the Active Low Carbers’ Forum. It’s inspired me to post more and less. By that I mean more often and in less detail. This means that I don’t have to mull over a deep and interesting subject before putting fingers to […]