Another day another few words written
I’m on the Five and Two Diet. For those skinny people among you I should probably explain that this is a way of eating that involves limiting ones calories to five hundred on two non-consecutive days per week. During the rest of the week one should eat sensibly (Oh yeah; right.) Yesterday was, for me, […]
Writing a Novel
I’ve come out! I’ve decided to go public about the fact that I’m writing a novel and have been doing so for several years, trying to fit it it between the day job and the laundry. I have no idea yet how the book will be received but I have high hopes that it will […]
Kids – love ’em
There is something charming and lovely about seven-year-old children, well most children at primary school really but I happen to be working with year threes at the moment, who are about seven. It is also very funny. I frequently have the feeling that I am in a Joyce Grenfell sketch. Sentences like “George, take your […]
Does my Bum Look Big in This?
On Friday night my friend Chastity came round for cheese and wine and to watch Song for Marion. We had wanted to see the film when it was in the cinema but hadn’t managed it. When she arrived I took her into the kitchen to pour her a drink, although she was still hung over […]
Erotic times in the Village Pub
You may think that living in a Magicbhunkshire village is a sleepy affair, where people pass one another saying, “Good morning Vicar, what a delightful day”. Well, so did I until last night. Yesterday evening I went to our local hostelry with several other women friends, to have the first of the celebrations to mark […]
Singing in the shower – and everywhere else
If Whizz and Mavis want to get me singing then all they need to do is whistle the first line of a song and almost immediately and totally unconsciously I will start singing my socks off. This seems to amuse them, and I tolerate their ridicule. Not that Mavis wants me to sing when I […]
Reminiscing about food (could there be an emerging trend here)
Those of you who regularly read my blog will know that I am a bit obsessed with food. In fact I have made a pact not to write any more about my latest diet or the iniquities of supermarkets (Do you […]
Reminiscing in the Barley
We have only one car at the moment and Whizz is away on business in it until tomorrow. This is not too much of a problem as, although we live in a village, it has many amenities such as a Post Office, two general stores, a farm shop, a coffee shop and even a library. […]
Nits in the Knots
Yesterday, one of the highlights was Mavis, Whizz and I staring at one another while we dripped with oily nit killer. By the time your child reaches the age of almost-14 you expect the days of nits to have passed but somehow Mavis managed to get too close to someone whose head was home to […]
Hot Tottie

My Husband says I’m hot in bed, Well he’s hot too. With the sheets thrown off, our naked bodies writhe and buck in the gloomy, curtained air. We’ve been married for 30 years but at night still we steam, Not bad for an old pair. His hand reaches for mine, ‘Get away!’ say I, you’re […]