Once more the brain lets me down

Are you getting bored with my brain? I certainly am. Last weekend we went to visit Horace in Chorley – blooming miles away. We had to wait for Mavis to get home from school, at about 4.30pm, before we could set off, and we were all a bit behind with things as there was a […]

Dressing for a wedding

Mavis and I went to the wedding of a colleague, held in a Salvation Army Hall. I had been too busy to think about what we would wear – until the day of the wedding. We had to be at the Sally Annie Hall at midday and before hand Mavis had a nine o’clock doctor’s […]


In my house I am burdened by two floordrobes. (I apologise if I have plagiarized this word. It popped into my head and I thought That’s a great word, but I’m worried it may be someone else’s. If it is then comment here and I’ll credit you). I, being the washer, drier and ironer of […]

Child Quote 12

                    This came from a friend and it made me laugh. She visited the zoo with her little son and his granddad. When they reached the penguins the tiny boy poked his finger through the fence and said ‘Duck’ ‘No,’ explained Granddad, ‘It’s a penguin.’ ‘Duck […]

A small but significant success

I’ve been thinking lately that entering writing competitions, enjoyable as it might be, is just an excuse to get out of writing my novel. Today however I have changed my mind. Yes, one of my stories has been selected for the Rhyme and Reason diary. I am very happy!

Convoluted Journey

I have written before about my defective, hormonally starved memory. My lack of brain cells (well the links between them really) has provided me with plenty of material for these pages. The disability does, however, interfere with the direction of my journey and, if I’m honest, puts occasional pressure on what would otherwise be a […]

Book Update

You may be wondering, I don’t suppose you are really, how my writing is progressing. Well, on a positive note, I am now the proud possessor of a Netbook. This electronic gizmo fits into my handbag so it can be taken anywhere with me, and as long as I have access to WiFi I can […]

What is Art?

If you look with an artist’s eye you can see beauty in many places. Here in Pebbleditch we are spoiled, we don’t need to search far to find wonderful pictures. We have an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty on the doorstep, where we can view forests, hills, wildlife, wild flowers and butterflies and even a […]

Good summer for growing tomatoes

Recently my friend Chastity went on holiday leaving me once again in charge of the cat and the watering of her vegetables and flowers. What a fantastic crop they had. The summer has been so good I was able to take many tomatoes home with me and there were still loads left for their return. […]

Update on the writing – or not.

Today is Saturday, it’s 10.30 am. My sister, the Speaking Clock, is due to arrive in about two hours and I need to hoover, dust and steam clean the chairs (don’t ask’. I know it sounds sad.) After I had written my last post (raises bugle) and eaten a sensible lunch, I realised that I […]