Spirit of…
Each of us is subject to our emotions. Given the present state of the world, it would be easy for us to lose hope. What
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On the matter of bras
The older and flabbier I become, the more my bras matter. I know I should be less flabby. Of course, that’s the answer, but as
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All this time I’ve been slaving over a hot keyboard!
Did you know there is such a thing as dictation software? I expect you did – in theory. Have you ever tried it? I suppose
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Middle Class Politics
I’ve heard it said that we begin our politics on the left, and as we grow older, move towards the right. In my usual manner,
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Dog and Cat Tale
It was a long time ago, in the days when Gizzy the cat was alive and our dog was still black around the muzzle. Gizzy
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Dress Dense
This article contains what I hope will be taken as affectionate references to book makers (I don’t think I could be called bookie-ist) and gay
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