
Voting with our hearts

It is quite obvoius to me and presumably to most of us, that the Conservative party has shown a lack of wisdom during this parliament,

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Whizz has a new job. It involves a short daily commute – about 10 miles – to Duckchester. Accustomed to working from home and taking

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Dog story

Our poor old Milo quit this life on Boxing Day 2021, but our step-dog, Grabber, padded into the breach to help us through our sadness.

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Horace Memories

Story Number One Horace and two girl friends decided upon a weekend away and booked a self-contained flat on AirBnB. In the flat, they had

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Spirit of…

Each of us is subject to our emotions. Given the present state of the world, it would be easy for us to lose hope. What

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On the matter of bras

The older and flabbier I become, the more my bras matter. I know I should be less flabby. Of course, that’s the answer, but as

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