Child Quote 13
I haven’t posted one of these for a while. Mavis and Horace are lovely, but not cute any more and their witty remarks are sophisticated. There is still plenty of opportunity for cute stuff as I work in a primary school but I have to be careful. This time of year, I imagine in most […]
Funny thing
We let out our rooms on AirBNB. It has given us a good income and we have met lots of interesting people from all over the world: France, Spain, Germany, China, India, USA, and other places. Sometimes there are language difficulties but in the main they put us to shame with their amazing knowledge of […]
The Universe sends Worms
I am in the habit of chanting, morning and evening. In the morning I think about the day ahead and how I will behave – my attitude to people and my job, or the tasks I must undertake. In the evening I review my day and determine to do better and acknowledge anything good. This […]
Life is for Learning
You might think that there’s not much left to learn by the time you reach your 60s. Think again. My last couple of years have probably been the most life-changing of all. I suppose that becoming a Nichirin Buddhist has affected that in many ways but this is not intended to be about the benefits […]
Husband Quote
Me: The dog smells terrible, he’s been in the stinky pond again Whizz: Milo! I told you, if you have unprotected fun you’ll get stagnant Me: Woo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo
For Horace
Here at the home of the Girth Mother, age rears it’s head even higher. My first daughter, Horace(Ontal), is to be married in May. I will be Mother of the Bride, and also, to the consternation of Kerching, a Mother-in Law. I have mentioned before, my quantity of experience negotiating the mountain pass of marriage. I know some […]

‘Twas the night before Christmas and from our abode, I could see the lights glowing, On Pebbleditch Road. The stockings were hung, By the chimney with thought, And up on the mantle, A small glass of port… And a mince pie for Santa, And carrots and fruits, For his bold, faithful reindeer, Such elegant brutes. […]
Whizz has a new woman. Her name is Alexa. Actually, I quite like having her around the place. She helps out in the kitchen, keeps us informed about the weather prospects and is incredibly musical. I first found that my husband was messing around with Alexa, on my return home after a weekend in Somerset with Horace. There […]
Garden Ornaments
Once upon a time I thought garden gnomes were to be disdained. As I grow older, however, and less judgmental, I discover that I rather like them. A house near ours has a tiny and immaculate front lawn with a number of garden ornaments, including a gnome pushing a barrow, a couple of less than cuddly animals, and a […]
To sexagenarianism and beyond
When I crossed the 60 age-barrier… I got a tattoo and died my hair purple. I thought I was very avant garde. I was determined not to age gracefully, I was going to be as Jenny Joseph planned to be (apart from the bit about the butter):