Child Quote – sort of.

This morning I spent an enjoyable hour browsing old photos in search of one of Horace wearing wellies. Last weekend Whizz and I visited Horace and Kerching in their home in Canalshire, a place with only one canal, named after its county town of Clanaster. Are you with me? While Magicbhunkshire was an oasis of sunshine […]
On Greed – Mainly the Dog’s

When you get a cute little puppy… nobody warns you about the inconvenience. Well, perhaps they do but you are too in love with the soft bundle of sweetness to believe it could ever be anything but delightful. It’s a bit like having a baby really. I was soon disabused of this view when Whizz […]
D Day Invoked Memories

Watching the D Day Commemorations encouraged my mum to share some memories I don’t think I have heard before. This is surprising, because she does share a lot of memories – a lot of times (joke Dad). Mum was aged 14 on D Day. Her own dad, whom she always refers to in a rather […]
Luddites and Banking

Do you ever think about how long you have known some of your friends? Whizz and I have been married for 19 years, and my friendship with the couple we visited the weekend before last, Cop and Tax, predates this by about 20 years. In other words I have known them twice as long as […]
Calories in Ikea Desserts 2019
Almond Cake Contains: Eggs, Milk, Almonds 322 kcal per portion. (V) Blueberry Cake Contains: Cereals containing Gluten (Wheat), Eggs, Milk 462 kcal per portion. Blueberry Tulip Muffin Contains: Cereals containing Gluten (Wheat), Eggs, Milk 442 kcal per portion. (V) Caramel Cheesecake Millionaire Pot Contains: Cereals containing Gluten (Wheat), Milk, Soya 424 kcal per portion. […]
Going Vegetarian

Here’s a thing: if you chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, your life will change. One change I didn’t expect was that I would decide to go vegetarian. Mavis is trying to do this too. Not in an obsessive way – if I’m served meat at a friend’s or relative’s house, I’ll eat it (with much […]
Mum’s Chilli Con Carne
This is my recipe, for my girls. Nothing out of the ordinary. Serves 4 – 6 people – I think. I never worry about left overs, so I’m not good at portion control – and there are only 3 of us left at home. Ingredients Spray oil 1 large onion 1 green pepper Fresh chillies […]
It’s a MR E

I have always been forgetful and absent minded, but living with Whizz has made me more aware of my shortcomings in the area. It’s not that he ever criticises me, but he has such an amazing brain that I can’t help comparing my own to his. Lately, probably due to work overload, I have become […]
Tripping (not the kind that takes you up, but the one that plummets you down)

Recently, through chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, I determined to change my eating karma and lose weight. This declaration of intent was partly because of a second pulmonary embolism and the subsequent need to take anti-coagulants for the rest of my life – I am now on Warfarin. For the uninitiated, Warfarin, as well as being rat […]
Courting Couple
Marion parked the car by the hedge. In the back, her dog, Maurice, lumbered to his feet, ears alert and tongue alternately lolling, and lapping his black muzzle. He was, like Marion, in his middle years but unlike his mistress, still longed to run, and chase a ball. They visited this disused chalk quarry almost […]