My week’s Plan
Day Meal Ingredients to buy MarketMilk mature Cheddar interesting cheeses cream cheese single cream Health shop3 dozen Eggs 4 packs Butter 4 bars Chocolate Easiyo machine Coffee Tea Chick peas Roasted peanuts Sesame seeds Veg merchantPotatoes Oranges for juice Apples for juice Lemons and limes for cordials Fruit for eating Fruit for yogurt and ice […]
Best made plans
Mavis was ill today: Tummy ache. I hope it wasn’t my flapjacks! The bread machine coughed up a perfect French loaf which provided breakfast, with delicious organic butter and a cup of filter coffee in my magic cup. I bought the cups, well mugs really, from Lakeland and they are brilliant for making a quick […]
The Plan
Well, this is what I think: I want to help keep the countryside safe and retain traditional farming methods by supporting small producers and avoiding supermarkets and brands sold in supermarkets. To do this I will need to pay more for my produce so to counteract that I will make as much food as I […]
Lifestyle Change
This weekend has been the first in my attempt to make as much of what we eat as I can and eschew mass produced foodstuffs from supermarkets in preference for more naturally made products from independent stores. In some ways, what I plan to do could be seen as a retrograde step. Women have had […]
Social Intercourse
I have tried many ways to keep track of family commitments and appointments. I used to have a kitchen calendar which had so much written on it that it looked as though a spider had walked all over it wearing muddy boots. Then as my mental faculties deteriorated I moved on to the ‘bonger’. This […]
Domestic She Devil
As a woman in her early 50s I have heard many of my contemporaries companionably share how relaxing it is to be ‘comfortable in your own skin’. I tell them I agree with them but at the back of my mind is a little voice saying “Here’s an example of you not being comfortable in […]
Stuffed Aubergines (Nil points sur Mincing Monde)
This sounds quite ordinary but is surprisingly tasty. The pork makes a tasty change from the usual lamb or beef. 2 large Aubergines 250g low fat pork mince 1/2 onion 6 oz mushrooms 1/2 red pepper 1/4 tsp chili powder salt to flavour 1 tsp granulated sweetener lg tin tomatoes Spray and Fry Take the […]
Tikka Roast Lamb (Free on Slimming World)
One 3lb leg of lamb with all visible fat and skin removed small tub of 0% fat greek yoghurt 1 tbsp tikka curry powder 3 cloves garlic 1? root ginger 3 tbsp lemon juice salt 1. In a blender or food processor whizz together all the ingredients other than the lamb. 2. spread the mixture […]
Mango Chutney (This used to be free on Slimming World, now it has some syns)
Always check the points and syns as diets change. Spray and Fry 1 chopped red onion 1 chopped dried chili 2 cloves of garlic finely chopped 1 inch root ginger finely chopped 1 large mango peeled and diced – this makes 100g flesh. When cooked down, it may weigh less than that but 100g […]
Slimming World Diet Moussaka
Moussaka, serves 2 Free if you use your cheese and potato as healthy options Lamb mince (lean) small aubergine sliced, sprinkled with salt and left for 10 minutes 1 onion diced 1 green pepper dices 6 mushrooms quartered sm tin chopped tomatoes 1 fist sized potatoe microwaved in its jacket and sliced into thick slices […]