Child Story 5
My friend was going out leaving her husband to look after the children for the evening. She got herself dressed, did her make up, added perfume and jewellery and swept into the lounge to say goodbye. Wife: How do I look? Husband : Mmm Young Son: Well I think you took beautiful Mummy Wife (feeling […]
Cooking through the night
At 3am today Mavis had a bad dream and decided to join Whizz and I in the marital bed. This arrangement caused me to be the ‘filling in the sandwich’ and when Whizz decided to give Mavis and I a cuddle by wrapping his arm over me and round Mavis, well, I nearly expired. I […]
Home made cat food
I triumphantly presented my cat mush to Ben and he took a tentative nibble, took a step back and headed disdainfully for the dried stuff. That would be fine if he were happy to eat only dried cat food; it’s much better for his teeth after all, but Ben is used, like the rest of […]
Time to sit down at last
Phew, my feet hurt! I once had an outside catering business and after that I worked in a theatre restaurant followed by running a delicatessen shop. In all those jobs I was on my feet for a long time. This feels the same but I am only catering for three of us! Today my fruit […]
Earth Mothering continues
Well, I’ve added up the week’s shopping and it seems to be about the same as it would have been at the supermarket. It’s difficult to be sure because I am buying things I don’t usually buy but which will last more than a week so at the end of the month I will calculate […]
American Children’s Television
Accepted wisdom states that if you don’t want your children to watch something on television then just switch it off but that isn’t easy when the television and family room are upstairs and the kitchen is downstairs. When your child has done his or her homework, had a chat and wants to watch the television […]
Not quite the plan
Well, this morning we woke up to a dearth of bread. I had forgotten to put the bread maker on. I have to admit that my week hasn’t gone exactly to plan, we had sausages and chips one night much to the family’s delight. We didn’t therefore have sausages for breakfast. I made ice cream […]
My Dad’s Blog
My dad has started writing a blog. He is recording, gradually, events from his past. If you or anyone you know is interested in reading anecdotes of a seventy six year old man then try . You never know, you might remember him, he’s lived in quite a few places: Porthcawl, Dunstable and NW4 to name a […]
Cafetiere and Costco
I’ve found a company that sells the mug I mentioned in a previous entry. It’s called a Smart Cafe, Hot Cafetiere mug and it can be purchased here: I recommend it for a simple, instant , cup of ground coffee. My only warning would be, unless the design has changed since I bought mine, […]
Today I did everything in my plan. I went to a local town (Lay-it-on-berzooms) which boasts a good butcher, a health food store and an ethical shopping store, all within a few yards of each other. I parked in a free space with a time limit of 30 minutes and purchased all my meat and […]