Farewell Old Friend

We bought you on a drunken whim,Collected you from a Lincoln farm,You cried and whined on the journey home,Sliding and slithering in your pee. We showed you, tiny, to the cats.Tabby and black one, not impressed,Withdrew upstairs to taunt, and poo,Into a stinking litter tray.(which you would have eaten if given the chance) Soon after, […]
Buddhist Poem

I wrote this poem for an SGI Buddhist Discussion Meeting I was unable to attend. Hope you enjoy it. Nam Myoho Renge Kyo.
My Hands

Baby hands, slippery with dribble, Fascinating. Next, with fingers chubby and sticky, Practising with a teaspoon, Diving into a Squat Tiggywinkle dish. New year’s Eve, woken by party noise, Arms upstretched, Hands lifted high to joyful, incomprehensible Auld Lang Syne. Nine years old. Walking with Dad. His large warm hand, Safe. Teenager. Too young. Engagement […]

‘Twas the night before Christmas and from our abode, I could see the lights glowing, On Pebbleditch Road. The stockings were hung, By the chimney with thought, And up on the mantle, A small glass of port… And a mince pie for Santa, And carrots and fruits, For his bold, faithful reindeer, Such elegant brutes. […]
Wonder bra

When I was a teen, so absorbent, My friend and I would share our coins, To buy a magazine. We’d huddle on a bench – slatted, Or on a bank, with Mars wrappers – scattered, Cool pages across our knees, Glossy, exciting, promising Lives we would never live. Perfect bodies and laughing faces, Set in […]
Walking the Dog in the Chalk Meadow

These daisies, Ox eyed, Damask and canary, Brushing my legs, They dance in soft air in their thousands, with devout faces that watch the sun wherever it hangs. Ecstatic worshipers, giving more attention than my small students. I dawdle through humming heat, searching for brave orchids among the tender vetch and yolk-ish buttercups. Butterflies: small, […]
On Reading 50 Shades of Grey – by a dear friend

This ‘pome’ was written by a good friend, whose hobby is writing what she calls ‘ditties’. This particular piece made me laugh, and mirrors my own sentiments concerning the book in question. Now, desire and arousal are highly subjective, But reading this book left me feeling defective, Just what’s wrong with me? Why can’t I […]
I Cooked it up

(copyright Sue Nicholls. Just ask and link back if you want to use it) I’ve lost the urge for cooking, I think I’m round the bend, I love to eat and entertain my family and friends, But when I think about it, it’s not the will to sup, I’ve lost, Oh no not that at […]

Don’t you hate to sit in the sun and see those conkers growing and hailing in the autumn? (copyright Sue Nicholls. Just ask and link back if you want to use it) Conkers, Clonkers, Prickly gonads in frilly leaf underwear, Waiting to drop. Suspended reminders, That these balmy, aimless, dreaming days, Face warmed, Bird song, […]

I wrote this for my mum on her 80th birthday so it belongs to her. That said I’m sure she won’t mind. My mum wrote a book about her childhood so that her grand children would realise how different life was when she was young. I found the whole process of editing the book and […]