Calories in Ikea Desserts 2019
Almond Cake Contains: Eggs, Milk, Almonds 322 kcal per portion. (V) Blueberry Cake Contains: Cereals containing Gluten (Wheat), Eggs, Milk 462 kcal per portion. Blueberry Tulip Muffin Contains: Cereals containing Gluten (Wheat), Eggs, Milk 442 kcal per portion. (V) Caramel Cheesecake Millionaire Pot Contains: Cereals containing Gluten (Wheat), Milk, Soya 424 kcal per portion. […]
Going Vegetarian

Here’s a thing: if you chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, your life will change. One change I didn’t expect was that I would decide to go vegetarian. Mavis is trying to do this too. Not in an obsessive way – if I’m served meat at a friend’s or relative’s house, I’ll eat it (with much […]
It’s a MR E

I have always been forgetful and absent minded, but living with Whizz has made me more aware of my shortcomings in the area. It’s not that he ever criticises me, but he has such an amazing brain that I can’t help comparing my own to his. Lately, probably due to work overload, I have become […]
It’s the school holidays so…

I have time to blog, write, paint and generally catch up on domestic responsibilities. Well, that’s the theory, anyway. What has actually happened is that the time is, mainly enjoyably, slipping through my fingers. Nevertheless, here I am writing at last. My dear uncle, mentioned in the previous post, departed this life recently. This was […]
She who must not be named

Our life, as you may have gathered from your avid reading of these posts, is a confusing mix of technology and creativity, fitted around a number of domestic and canine responsibilities. The last fortnight has been further complicated by an uncle with cancer, currently at the mercy of a caring but overstretched NHS, parents celebrating a 65th […]
Guest Jest 1

We hear a lot of funny stories from (not about) our guests so I have decided that in addition to Child Stories I should have this new series called Guest Jest. The first of these, the flippy floppy hat, has already been posted as the third funny thing, under a different title in a previous […]
Winnie the Pooh
I was a dreamy child. By that I don’t mean I was a dream, more I was IN a dream. I bumbled through life only vaguely aware of what went on around me, more interested in books and art. I moved little, in fact my grandfather was once heard to observe, while watching me at the […]
Child Quote 14
My Mum reminded me of this. When I lived in Sheep country I bought myself a fabulous coffee table – well I thought it was fabulous. I was proud of it because it represented my independence in a new single life, after a rocky marriage. You can see copies of my table all over the place now, […]
The unexpected advantage of driving to Motovan in the teeming rain was that when we retraced part of our journey to get to Trogir, the scenery was completely new. What an amazing sight! More mountains, tortuous ravines and eventually, glorious blue seas against a backdrop of crags, and a twisting coastline with trees dropping right […]
From Istria to Dalmatia. Food, drink and toil.
October in Croatia is a must for foodies. This largely unexplored and unspoiled part of the former Yugoslavia is a jewel. Combine the beauty of a mountain-top walled towns with truffle season, local quality wines and oils and the glorious colours of Autumn and you have perfection (IMHO). Our trip began in Zagreb, an elegant, […]