Fat Girl Fat 2 – Childhood

In December 1929, during a wild storm, my mother was born. By the time she was eleven, the country was at war and food rationing had been introduced. She told me that during wartime, she was permanently hungry. Even though the family kept chickens and goats and grew vegetables, things such as butter were almost […]
A Weekend in Whitstable

Last Friday, Whizz, Milo-the-dog and I climbed aboard Gus (Gazzler) and proceeded, in the rain, towards my mum’s house on the outskirts of Whitstable. The forecast assured us of sunshine from tomorrow and that kept our spirits up, even though our first stop was to be at the Crematorium to collect my dad’s ashes. This […]
Uplifting Floral Tribute

Once, when asked what my favourite flowers were, I said Fresias, which, along with sweet peas, I do love. Both varieties are delicate and scented. But lately, I have fallen for tulips. I love the way they bow down over the edge of their vase, I even love it when they drop their petals strategically […]
Not a good fit

You might remember a prior blog about purchasing things that turn out to be the wrong size; we’ve all done it, have we not? Last time for us, it was a drinks fridge and a pot of fajita seasoning, this time it was two items, one minor and the other major – in both size […]
White Christmas

Mavis, before she left for university, had a cake business, which led to a significant amount of my kitchen cupboard space being occupied by ingredients and icing tools, cake tins and other fancy equipment. My worktop bore a food mixer in the proportion of those seen on Bake Off, and leaning against the wall in […]
A series of Unfortunate Occurrences

I have had so many misadventures in the past four weeks that I could almost write a book about them. The reasons for my disasters may be as follows (disasters is a big word when the following events are compared with falling off a cliff or drowning in a lake): 1, My dreaming, creative mind […]
D Day Invoked Memories

Watching the D Day Commemorations encouraged my mum to share some memories I don’t think I have heard before. This is surprising, because she does share a lot of memories – a lot of times (joke Dad). Mum was aged 14 on D Day. Her own dad, whom she always refers to in a rather […]
Luddites and Banking

Do you ever think about how long you have known some of your friends? Whizz and I have been married for 19 years, and my friendship with the couple we visited the weekend before last, Cop and Tax, predates this by about 20 years. In other words I have known them twice as long as […]
It’s a MR E

I have always been forgetful and absent minded, but living with Whizz has made me more aware of my shortcomings in the area. It’s not that he ever criticises me, but he has such an amazing brain that I can’t help comparing my own to his. Lately, probably due to work overload, I have become […]
Tripping (not the kind that takes you up, but the one that plummets you down)

Recently, through chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, I determined to change my eating karma and lose weight. This declaration of intent was partly because of a second pulmonary embolism and the subsequent need to take anti-coagulants for the rest of my life – I am now on Warfarin. For the uninitiated, Warfarin, as well as being rat […]