Cat expressions

In my experience, the feelings of cats are usually ‘expressed’ from their nether regions (see what I did there?) In years gone by, I and certain members of my family-stroke-social-circle (another pun) owned pets of the feline variety. Now, I wonder what we were all thinking. There are so many reasons to keep cats safely […]
My Mum – again

As I have mentioned in the past, my mother is 93 (born 1929). Currently, her energies are directed at moving herself into residential care. This project, she is undertaking with her usual energy, and to support her in it I and my siblings have been visiting regularly. Mum loves it when I am at her […]
Dog and Cat Tale

It was a long time ago, in the days when Gizzy the cat was alive and our dog was still black around the muzzle. Gizzy did not like Milo (the above mentioned, below pictured dog). She never trusted him after our other dog, Nellie, a rescue with anger issues, caught her by the head and […]
Fat Girl Fat 2 – Childhood

In December 1929, during a wild storm, my mother was born. By the time she was eleven, the country was at war and food rationing had been introduced. She told me that during wartime, she was permanently hungry. Even though the family kept chickens and goats and grew vegetables, things such as butter were almost […]
D Day Invoked Memories

Watching the D Day Commemorations encouraged my mum to share some memories I don’t think I have heard before. This is surprising, because she does share a lot of memories – a lot of times (joke Dad). Mum was aged 14 on D Day. Her own dad, whom she always refers to in a rather […]
Luddites and Banking

Do you ever think about how long you have known some of your friends? Whizz and I have been married for 19 years, and my friendship with the couple we visited the weekend before last, Cop and Tax, predates this by about 20 years. In other words I have known them twice as long as […]
Child Quote 15

I suppose, really, that Mavis should not be called a child, now that she is 18, however she is still my child and this is my blog so I’m continuing the Child Quote theme. We are in the Easter holidays; both of us at home. This is a rare opportunity for me to have some […]
Some funny things have happened at last, involving Christmas
I know it’s a bit late for a Christmas theme but this post has been rumbling round in my head since that time. Thanks to a watery, chesty virus keeping me from work, I have the opportunity to put finger to keyboard. It’s a ill wind and all that. This Christmas was a weird one for my […]
Garden Ornaments
Once upon a time I thought garden gnomes were to be disdained. As I grow older, however, and less judgmental, I discover that I rather like them. A house near ours has a tiny and immaculate front lawn with a number of garden ornaments, including a gnome pushing a barrow, a couple of less than cuddly animals, and a […]
Sexual press ups
When Mavis was about 4 she had a beloved friend, Peter. The two were inseparable, so much so that when they both went to school, the dinner ladies called them the little married couple. Sadly for Mavis, Peter moved away leaving her distraught. For years afterwards she struggled to make friends, but it seemed that the girl groups […]