Questionable Dress
I have stopped doing paid work one year before becoming eligible for my state pension. This is to concentrate on writing. Well at least that

There are many obstacles to completing a novel; so many responsibilities to interrupt the would-be author, such as the processing of laundry, the exercise of the dog,

Ramblings during lock down
To add a little levity to the Covid-19 situation because, let’s face it, we all need a smile, I will now relate some things that amused

I am a Buddha
Oh yes. Unfortunately, my Buddhahood doesn’t always manifest itself, and I give myself a lot of grief and forget this fundamental fact. So, I decided to

You’d better watch out…
It is December 10th, 2019, a few days after my mum’s 90th birthday, and I am limping towards my 64th Christmas, my enthusiasm as yet

General Idiocy 3
In my last post I mentioned Aldi. I don’t go there very often, especially of late since learning of the destruction of the Brazillian rainforest,