Child story 7

OK so now she’s got a sense of humour there’s no stopping her, especially if there’s something she wants. So there we are, 31st December and Mavis decides that her bedroom is too small for her needs. ‘Daddy?’, she enquires sweetly, ‘Could we knock my bedroom into Horace’s to make it bigger?’ Now strangely enough […]

Child Quote 6

It comes as a surprise when your child develops a skill she has not hitherto demonstrated. You know your child will grow into an adult and that along the way she will do new things but, nonetheless, when they present themselves they still impress. Sadly for Mavis, when it comes to a sense of humour, […]

New Name

Everyone in my family has an alias on this blog apart from I. In a blinding flash (aided by an excess of New Year’s imbibing) last night I came upon my own nickname; it is Lil. You may wonder why I have decided upon this particular nom de plume. Well, exemplifying my usual poor taste, […]

Jobs I have done

Some time ago I promised myself I would try and list all the jobs (I wouldn’t call them a career) I have had over the years. I am not sure that many people would see them as a achievement but I have to say that their diversity has afforded me an insight into many aspects […]

Grumpy Old Man

It was Mavis’s 9th birthday last week and much to our delight she decided that instead of a party she would like to take a friend to see The Sound Of Music on stage at the London Palladium. Whizz was away in Minnesota so it fell to me to get us there and back taking […]

On Compost and the like

I’ve bought a new gadget. Well it isn’t strictly a gadget I suppose, if gadgets are things with buttons and batteries or electrical connectors. This is very much a bucket. It’s succinctly named the Bokashi Kitchen Waste Compost Bucket and of course it was sourced by my darling husband. In our house text input comes […]

On Time

It’s strange to report that the more available time I have the more I seem to find to fill it. I have given up paid employment and relinquished most of my voluntary responsibilities to those younger and more diplomatic than I and promptly filled the time with Girth Mother activities. After whinging to Whizz about […]

On Creativity

“Do you know what a tumbrel remark is?” Whizz enquired this morning. There was a pause while I tried to dredge from my memory the meaning of the word tumbrel. Was it some kind of geographic feature, a hill perhaps where someone might make a lofty statement? No, that was tumulous – I think. Defeated […]

No Brain

I know I go on about my memory but, really, it’s beyond the pale! I have recently undergone a somethingorother ablation;in other words I have had the lining of my womb burned off and am now attempting life sans HRT. The idea is that I should be able to tell how many of my symptoms are […]

On Eyesight Again

I’m sorry Whizz; I know you think I am always picking on you but this was too good to go unblogged. So: We are great aunt and uncle, roles I approach with mixed feelings. I once had a great aunt, she wasn’t a maiden aunt, well at least I don’t think she was, she was […]