Farewell Old Friend
We bought you on a drunken whim,Collected you from a Lincoln farm,You cried and whined on the journey home,Sliding and slithering in your pee. We

Buddhist Poem
I wrote this poem for an SGI Buddhist Discussion Meeting I was unable to attend. Hope you enjoy it. Nam Myoho Renge Kyo.

My Hands
Baby hands, slippery with dribble, Fascinating. Next, with fingers chubby and sticky, Practising with a teaspoon, Diving into a Squat Tiggywinkle dish. New year’s Eve,

‘Twas the night before Christmas and from our abode, I could see the lights glowing, On Pebbleditch Road. The stockings were hung, By the chimney

Wonder bra
When I was a teen, so absorbent, My friend and I would share our coins, To buy a magazine. We’d huddle on a bench

Walking the Dog in the Chalk Meadow
These daisies, Ox eyed, Damask and canary, Brushing my legs, They dance in soft air in their thousands, with devout faces that watch the sun