Spirit of…
Each of us is subject to our emotions. Given the present state of the world, it would be easy for us to lose hope. What difference will our small action make in light of the enormity of the evil and selfishness we witness daily in our newspapers, on our TV screens and hear on our […]
All this time I’ve been slaving over a hot keyboard!
Did you know there is such a thing as dictation software? I expect you did – in theory. Have you ever tried it? I suppose I did know it was possible to write this way, and I’m told it’s much quicker. But I never considered it for my book writing. In fact, I’m not entirely […]
Buddhist Poem
I wrote this poem for an SGI Buddhist Discussion Meeting I was unable to attend. Hope you enjoy it. Nam Myoho Renge Kyo.
What makes you think?
Below is a list of the things that pass through my head on a regular basis. You might have others, if so, add them in the comments. What I am asking you to do, is sort them into order. Not of how important you think they are but of how often you estimate you have […]
I got my reward today
I may have mentioned before that the world is largely populated by good people. The problem is, the impact of bad people has a powerful negative effect on us and stays in our mind for weeks, even months. But when we read or hear of someone doing something good, we think How lovely, and forget […]
Money – the Root of our Problems?
Have you heard the story of the couple who set out in their fancy car, their destination, Joytown? They left home without asking for advice about their route, and without a map. They drove for miles, at each junction choosing the road with the smoothest surface so as to protect their precious vehicle. When night […]
General Idiocy 2 or Too many hats
This story describes one day in my life I would not care to repeat. At the time, Mavis worked in Duckchester and was dependent upon our deplorable bus service to get her from Pebbleditch to the centre of town. This usually involved a lift from one of her parents to another village about 3 miles away, where […]
Feeling sad but determined
As you know if you read this blog, I am generally upbeat. I hope this comes across in my posts. Today, however, I feel sad, almost moved to tears by what is going on in the UK. I don’t want to call it My Country because I am not and never have been nationalistic. What […]
The Universe sends Worms
I am in the habit of chanting, morning and evening. In the morning I think about the day ahead and how I will behave – my attitude to people and my job, or the tasks I must undertake. In the evening I review my day and determine to do better and acknowledge anything good. This […]
Life is for Learning
You might think that there’s not much left to learn by the time you reach your 60s. Think again. My last couple of years have probably been the most life-changing of all. I suppose that becoming a Nichirin Buddhist has affected that in many ways but this is not intended to be about the benefits […]