Now that’s what I call ‘customer service’
Some time ago, during my Friday evening fest of wine drinking and communing with Facebook, I reached a particularly engaged moment and knocked over my glass of wine. Oh no I thought as the glass evaded my grasp, there goes a whole glass of wine. What a waste. Then I saw the direction the wine was arcing. […]
Bed, Breakfast and Fine Dining
This has been an interesting summer. I have enjoyed it more than usual because a) I didn’t have a broken metatarsal and b) somewhat strangely, because we didn’t go away. The reason for our lack of exotic (or otherwise) holiday, was two fold: First, we couldn’t afford it. Things are finally looking up for us financially, […]
Wonder bra

When I was a teen, so absorbent, My friend and I would share our coins, To buy a magazine. We’d huddle on a bench – slatted, Or on a bank, with Mars wrappers – scattered, Cool pages across our knees, Glossy, exciting, promising Lives we would never live. Perfect bodies and laughing faces, Set in […]
The Incident of the Courgette
Funny things happen in life, and I am always keen to see the humour. This can be a bit unfortunate on occasion, but now that I write, I can at least have an unstifled giggle with hindsight. I once had a proper job, a career as a computer programmer and project leader. Despite a requirement […]
Dogs and Cats
Although we have always loved her, Gizmo, our small, black cat had a traumatic life coming as she did from a single parent home. She arrived in our lives when Horace turned seven, a guilt present because I had split up with Horace’s dad. We already owned/were owned by, Ben, a brown tabby with a […]
When Size Matters
A woman should never complain when her husband is helpful. It’s bad form and she runs the risk of him refusing further attempts. A husband should be rewarded with respect and gratitude when he takes up his domestic hat, and dusts it off before making for the supermarket or the Marigolds. It was to Costco […]
Technology. More Funny Things
Once I had a career, not writing or cajoling infants to use their minds, but in the uncreative yet stimulating environment of computer systems. Knowing this dear reader you could be forgiven for imagining me careful, systematic and analytical. Well, I suppose I am the latter, but there it ends. Without strictly enforced rules to […]
A Funny Thing Happened on my Delivery Round
In Pebbleditch we have a quarterly magazine, The Pebbleditch Parish Post or PPP. I was once the Editor of this worthy publication, and still feel guilty about giving up the job, thus passing the onerous duty to another poor citizen. In fact I have narrowly avoided offering to take it back on more than one […]
A funny thing happened in the hospital

There’s not much to laugh about when you’re undergoing a pre-op for breast surgery (don’t worry, just some abnormal cells that need to be removed in case they became cancerous), however I did laugh at this. It was the usual, depressing room. A bed to my right, and on the left a desk and a […]
Age, and stuff
If you’ve been paying attention here, you’ll know that I broke a bone in my foot in July, and lost a whole summer. Now I’m beginning to recover I find that being sedentary for two months has aged me by about five years. You know what they say: use it or lose it? I didn’t […]