General Idiocy 2 or Too many hats
This story describes one day in my life I would not care to repeat. At the time, Mavis worked in Duckchester and was dependent upon our

General idiocy – 1
As an SGI Buddhist leader, one of my responsibilities is to complete a monthly schedule. This details various meetings for discussion, planning and education and

A series of Unfortunate Occurrences
I have had so many misadventures in the past four weeks that I could almost write a book about them. The reasons for my disasters

On Sickness, fear, gratitude and of course humour
Recently Horace called me out of the blue, in tears because she had had a medical shock – I won’t go into details because she

Feeling sad but determined
As you know if you read this blog, I am generally upbeat. I hope this comes across in my posts. Today, however, I feel sad,

Child Quote – sort of.
This morning I spent an enjoyable hour browsing old photos in search of one of Horace wearing wellies. Last weekend Whizz and I visited Horace and