Uplifting Floral Tribute
Once, when asked what my favourite flowers were, I said Fresias, which, along with sweet peas, I do love. Both varieties are delicate and scented.

Welcome to the world of Pebbleditch
If you are expecting a lot of information on how to write, or about the ‘writing process’, you have come to the wrong blog. I

Not a good fit
You might remember a prior blog about purchasing things that turn out to be the wrong size; we’ve all done it, have we not? Last

Money – the Root of our Problems?
Have you heard the story of the couple who set out in their fancy car, their destination, Joytown? They left home without asking for advice

Intoxicated by Power
As a child, I attended many schools because my dad’s job had us on the move in almost every one of my primary school years.

About Kindle eBooks
This is a small post about Kindle eBooks as I have received a few messages from people saying they can’t read my book because they