The Dreaded Diet

I’m back to Weight Watching. I said I wouldn’t post here again about my love hate (addictive) relationship with food but I have been eating ready meals, as a quick way of measuring Weight Watchers points. There is a huge variety of these on the market so I have begun to review the ones I eat. […]


In life we meet many types of people. Some are easy to like, others take a bit more tolerance.  That includes me. Many people love me, but others dislike me. I take some getting used to, being a loud and opinionated human being. Lately I have been tried by a certain person at work. This […]

What I’d like to know is…

If I’m honest I’m looking for an excuse to be fat. My issue is that there is so much information in the media about what is and is not good for us, but there are many exceptions to the rules. My grandfather for example, ate all the wrong things, took no exercise, was almost spherical and […]

Dippy Old Dame!

In my (usual) defense, I have been busy of late, and my usual skill of task juggling parted company with me for a moment. It is possible that I am food obsessed. Although I hate waste, I cook too much food for a sitting – I blame my mother’s siege mentality. Why not? I blame her for […]

A day of two halves

‘Cheers’ said Whizz as we clinked together our champagne flutes to welcome in 2015. ‘Here’s to a hospital free year’ I rejoined. We almost made it! Yesterday, late afternoon, turned out to be a bit frantic. I worked a bit of overtime at work, the car fuel-gauge was so low that the needle did not even […]

Lemon Flan

This must be one of the easiest and most enjoyable puds in the world. Ingredients 1/3 packet of digestive biscuits (dark chocolate ones are also good) Third of a block of butter 1 tin condensed milk Equal quantity of double cream. Use the tin to measure it out. 2 lemons   Directions Put the biscuits […]

Plucker’s Pie

This is another recipe for my daughters. It’s easy to make and tasty and uses left over chicken. I always buy a large chicken to roast, even for two of us. It makes sandwiches and at least one other meal so it’s very economical. The carcass can be thrown into the slow cooker with leeks, […]

Why would they think this is what we want?

They say a society is judged by the way it treats its elderly… but should it not be measured by the way it treats all its vulnerable people, young and old?   I am probably stating the ‘bleeding obvious’ when I say that many cut backs intended to increase efficiency, do precisely the reverse. The result is that we are […]

Sexual press ups

When Mavis was about 4 she had a beloved friend, Peter. The two were inseparable, so much so that when they both went to school, the dinner ladies called them the little married couple. Sadly for Mavis, Peter moved away leaving her distraught. For years afterwards she struggled to make friends, but it seemed that the girl groups […]

The Demon Drink

Whizz is not much of a drinker. He will have the occasional beer, and drink wine at a dinner party or meal out but in the main he is, for me, a very valuable chauffeur. ‘Twas not always thus, though. When he was much younger, learning moderation skills, he went to a party and began […]