Pop up restaurant in Pebbleditch – now you know where it is!
Chastity and the Key
My friend Chastity puts me to shame, she eats sensibly and exercises much more regularly than I, she also manages to get through the entire working week without one glass of wine She is my example and I try to emulate her, even though she is 18 years my junior, which makes her of an […]
The ‘Diet’ Continues
Apparently I haven’t written anything for ages about my weight loss so I’m about to put that right. I’m still doing a low carbohydrate diet but, because I started to stall, as we all do, I decided to change things a bit. I was pointed at the following, slightly abbreviated, article by Matt Stone and […]
Child Quote 8
Mavis gets older and the quotes become more risque! Whizz, Mavis and I went for a small outing to a farm park, in the rain, 40 minutes drive away. This was not one of our more successful ideas but at least we were out as a family. Mavis equipped herself with all the necessary gadgets […]
Whizz and I have spent months agonising over whether to buy a dog. First (for me at least) was Horace’s attitude to the decision. Horace had been flatly refused a dog when she was Mavis’s age. She is not Whizz’s daughter so I was anxious that she would not feel rejected if Mavis had a […]
More Eyesight Problems
As you know by now, it was my mum’s 80th birthday this weekend and what a splendid affair it turned out to be. 24 people took over a lovely hotel and a smallish function room and, as proof of the amount of preparation made, had a wonderful and emotional evening. The event started in the […]
Veering About
I have just been scrolling through old posts and it struck me how many twists and turns I have made via my quest for slimmer hips and subsequent departure from regime. First there was Blubber Busters, most successful slimming business in the world, then Mince Monde with its red days and green days. Recipe posts […]
weight loss and dresses
My mum’s going to be 80 at the weekend and we’re having a bit of a do. As I have been losing weight I postponed buying an outfit to enable maximum shrinkage. Then, well, I blew rather a lot of money on other things so decided I would make do with a dress I’ve worn […]
The Harcombe Diet Again
I have had a few responses to my previous article from people who say that the Harcombe Diet is not working for them. My own view is that the fewer carbohydrates you eat, the more weight you will lose. I think the element of the Harcombe diet that says you can eat a meal of […]
Duet for One
I have just been to see this play. I found it very moving and Juliet Stephenson gave an outstanding and marathon performance. It is about a violinist undergoing counselling because she is suffering from MS and can no longer play her music. It was all the more moving because I have a friend, Sloggo, who […]