The fantastic thing about having a terrible memory, apart from the fact that it complements my terrible eyesight, terrible hips and terrible grumpiness, is the opportunity it offers for re-enjoyment. I am part of a book group, and we are trying to read different ‘genres’. Now I’m not sure what genre Terry Pratchett falls into, […]
It’s a conspiracy!
As previously mentioned I sent my picture to the DVLA as the old one was too youthful. So now, I look as though I’ve been exhumed! Can you believe that the picture below, which is bad enough, could be turned into this? Steven King could write a […]
Roasted Pecans
One of the benefits of eating low carb is that I can eat nuts, other than peanuts, with a clear conscience. The price of nuts seems to have gone through the roof though, and the 100g (3.5 0z) packs of roasted pecans I used to buy from Waitrose for, I think £1,99 went up to […]
Now I understand
This morning, as usual, I took the dogs out for a walk. Unusually, but not for the first time, I returned home 10 minutes later after Nellie had tried to murder a sweet little King Charles Spaniel. I deposited Nellie back in the kitchen. BAD girl, grrr. Anyway, Milo and I had a lovely walk. […]
Getting Old
For years I have been kidding myself that I am immortal. Everyone tells me I don’t look my age and my eyesight is failing so I see myself in a romantic blur if I look in the mirror, Sadly, today, I discovered I urgently needed a new photo for my driving license – such a […]
Portion Fail
Being a hard working, cooking type of person my family lives regularly on convenience foods and take aways. Well not that regularly, I do cook often, but in times of stress, like tonight, I am wont to say ‘How about you two having Figgys tonight?’ Figgy is our fish and chip delivery van – Thursdays […]
Child Quote 11
Mavis: Is an Ooner Spism a Spoonerism? Us: Ha Ha Ha Ha We are very sad in our family!
Mrs Robins’ Fruit Cake
Years ago, when I lived in Sheep Country, I belonged, thanks to Husband Number Two, to the Austin Healey Club. Through that group I made many friends, including Tarn and Fit, with whom I still keep in touch, mainly through Christmas Cards and occasionally with visits. I […]
More on Teenagers
11 years ago, when Horace was the age Mavis now is, Whizz and I moved to this village of Pebbleditch we now call home. Mavis knew nobody so I decided, as newly appointed editor of the Pebbleditch Parish Post, to appeal in the magazine for volunteers to start a youth club. Four people eventually turned […]
On Birthday Cakes
I pride myself on being rather a good cook. I wouldn’t be contemplating entering a partnership in a cookery school otherwise. I am the family Christmas Pud maker and always make my girls their birthday cakes. I do it almost with my eyes shut and the ingredients are always in the cupboard….or they usually are. […]