When I was about 14 my parents bought our first caravan, a slightly shabby Sprite Musketeer. The whole family set to sprucing it up and there began many years of happy weekending and holidaying. It was entirely my fault! I had been invited by a friend to stay for a week with her and her […]
I’m sinking
I’ve lost the urge for cooking, I think I’m round the bend, I love to eat and entertain my family and friends, But when I think about it, it’s not the will to sup, I’ve lost, Oh no not that at all, it’s the b….y washing up! If I were rich, apart from having […]
The Power of the Press
What is the role of the press? We certainly need a free press to provide us with the information that is ‘In the Public Interest’. How else would we be informed about, among other things, the latest political situation at home and abroad, famine in the Third World, what to see at the cinema, or […]
Snow and Dogs
We had a lot of snow last year but I think Milo has forgotten it… and we didn’t get Nellie until after the snows of last winter, so it was with some anticipation that we took them, Nellie sporting her smart, new coat, to the quarry. There were an awful lot of folk tobogganing and […]
I am a chip – ocryte
Here I am, teaching people to cook and to eat healthy food. I am so busy that when Whizz (thanks Whizz for the idea for this title) and Mavis ask for sausage and (oven) chips, they get it and I am relieved not to have to make too much washing up. When Mavis asks what’s […]
Harcombe, Atkins, Slimming World, Weight Watchers and the rest
As regular readers of this blog will know, I put quite a bit of thought into diet and weight loss. I have come to the conclusion that the secret is not to stick ridgedly to one of the above, although it does usually help with losing the odd few pounds or stones. No, the secret […]
New Year’s Eve
Whizz suggested that this year, instead of watching them on the television, we went up to London to watch the fireworks in the ‘flash’. I kind of knew I would rather be snuggled up in the warm with a glass of champagne but you have to experience new things and of course Mavis was up […]
Christmas Poem
I received a card from Horace’s infant school head teacher. It was to Horace really but it was addressed to us all so I took the liberty of opening it. There was the usual greeting and also a lovely poem, unsigned. It moved me to tears and I wondered if the lady in question had […]
Satay Sauce
You can tell Christmas is coming; recipes arriving thick and fast. This one is an old favourite. I usually serve it with home made satay sticks (cocktail sized), at parties but this time I have bought some ready made. Ingredients 5 0z salted peanuts 1 – 2 cloves garlic half an onion, chopped 1.5 tsp […]
Cheese biscuits re-visited
I have just revised my recipe for cheese nibbles.