Creation, absorbtion and acquisition

Creation: I don’t think I have made much mention of the two things that I enjoy the most – and generally do the least – painting and writing. I wouldn’t say I am highly skilled in either pursuit but both keep me utterly absorbed. This makes them relaxing and rewarding. Writing a novel, one of […]

Huff ‘n’ Puff Pork (serves 4 – 6)

This is not my recipe but I wanted to share it because it works. What you get is brilliant crackling, moist soft meat and amazing gravy. It’s my new Sunday lunch with friends recipe. It’s from Fairytale Food by Lucie Cash, published by Random House at £15. It has a couple of extra details in […]

Moved to write

If I sat down and wrote about everything that evoked a strong emotion I would never be away from the PC. I suppose that means that I am an emotional person – or maybe just a woman! Today I would like to share two things that have moved me, one to tears and the other […]

More Pictures

I have taken a few more pictures. This time with my ‘phone.                                                         Sadly, as summer finally arrives the flowers are past their best. The butterflies are almost […]

The Good and Bad of Dog Walking

Onto something a bit more cheerful. No matter how much you love your dog, and how much you enjoy walking, the prospect of daily walks is not always as pleasurable as might be supposed. In the winter, and for most of the subsequent months of this year, dog walking has not been a favourite pursuit […]

On Women and Work again

Having read my dad’s comments on the previous blog I think I need to clarify things a bit. I have done both types of child rearing and I have to admit that I preferred the first one, going out to work; and I suppose that my remarks about the disparity in the manners of my […]

On Women and Work

I find myself with a bit more leisure time having ploughed past a number of deadlines including Whizz’s 50th birthday party, painting the scenery for Mavis’s theatre group, organising a fund raising quiz to save an old building in Robinghood and dealing with a suddenly defunct washing machine having had a house full of party […]

The first Outing in the Caravan

Getting the caravan out, although we thought it would be easier than getting it in, was no different. Neighbours were recruited, and after much shouting the caravan emerged on a Thursday afternoon and was steered onto the drive of a very obliging neighbour, ready for a quick getaway on Friday evening. Whizz and I, Mavis […]

The Caravan Arrives

The choice of caravans was mind boggling; so many layouts, so many models, and we wanted a second hand one. We decided to visit the Caravan Show to get a feel for the options, and we dragged Mavis along (much to her disgust) as we felt she should have a part in the decision making. […]

Caravan Preparation

The previous owner of our house, apart from being a shady sort of character, serviced vehicles in a huge double width, one and a half height garage. Next to it stood a double length, concrete sectional garage, and overlooking them both was our living room with patio doors. It was not an attractive sight but […]