Chastity and the Key – The Sequel
You may remember Chastity and her husband Camp, they are good friends and live just round the corner from us. Chastity proposed recently to pay £5 per day to the son of a mutual friend in return for feeding the cat while she and Camp were away skiing. When I learned of this plan I […]
Chastity and the Key
My friend Chastity puts me to shame, she eats sensibly and exercises much more regularly than I, she also manages to get through the entire working week without one glass of wine She is my example and I try to emulate her, even though she is 18 years my junior, which makes her of an […]
Good summer for growing tomatoes
Recently my friend Chastity went on holiday leaving me once again in charge of the cat and the watering of her vegetables and flowers. What a fantastic crop they had. The summer has been so good I was able to take many tomatoes home with me and there were still loads left for their return. […]
Does my Bum Look Big in This?
On Friday night my friend Chastity came round for cheese and wine and to watch Song for Marion. We had wanted to see the film when it was in the cinema but hadn’t managed it. When she arrived I took her into the kitchen to pour her a drink, although she was still hung over […]
Erotic times in the Village Pub
You may think that living in a Magicbhunkshire village is a sleepy affair, where people pass one another saying, “Good morning Vicar, what a delightful day”. Well, so did I until last night. Yesterday evening I went to our local hostelry with several other women friends, to have the first of the celebrations to mark […]
The Cast
These are the characters who make up Sue’s World so far Immediate family Me – Lil (+lets:expand widthways) Useless memory and deteriorating faculties but otherwise reasonably bright and creative Husband – Whizz (The Whiz Kid) Brainy, fantastic memory, logical, loving dad and long suffering husband Daughter from previous marriage – Horace(ontal) Brainy, busy, fair minded, […]