Procrastination and other things

An open diary with a pencil beside it

Why do I write? Well, to be honest I don’t much, there’s less to write about these days. Amusing events rarely occur now that the kids have left home, the dog has passed on and Grabber, our lodger’s dog, has ceased his grabbing and jumps onto an armchair, rotates a few times, and settles patiently […]

Salad Days

A colourful mixed salad on a white plate with a pot of white dressing

At the age of 68, rather than writing myself off (literally), I decided I still had a lot to offer the world of employment. I was prompted to this by friends who refused to give in to age and have built successful careers after retirement – made me feel a bit ‘undynamic’, actually. But it […]

A day of two halves

‘Cheers’ said Whizz as we clinked together our champagne flutes to welcome in 2015. ‘Here’s to a hospital free year’ I rejoined. We almost made it! Yesterday, late afternoon, turned out to be a bit frantic. I worked a bit of overtime at work, the car fuel-gauge was so low that the needle did not even […]

Dear Hospital

During my last hectic visit to A & E in Stoke Mandeville I noticed boxes with slots on top, plastered with signs asking for feedback from people tired of waiting, in pain and worried. I believe there are similar ones in the cancer unit at Wycombe hospital but I didn’t spot them, being weighed down […]

A funny thing happened in the hospital

There’s not much to laugh about when you’re undergoing a pre-op for breast surgery (don’t worry, just some abnormal cells that need to be removed in case they became cancerous), however I did laugh at this. It was the usual, depressing room. A bed to my right, and on the left a desk and a […]

A funny thing happened …

                      Having reported yesterday that nothing funny had happened for ages, I have to tell you that my memory had let me down. On Monday evening after a frustrating time trying to get to grips with a plastered foot and crutches, and having struggled upstairs […]