A funny thing happened in the hospital
There’s not much to laugh about when you’re undergoing a pre-op for breast surgery (don’t worry, just some abnormal cells that need to be removed in case they became cancerous), however I did laugh at this. It was the usual, depressing room. A bed to my right, and on the left a desk and a […]
On Reading 50 Shades of Grey – by a dear friend
This ‘pome’ was written by a good friend, whose hobby is writing what she calls ‘ditties’. This particular piece made me laugh, and mirrors my own sentiments concerning the book in question. Now, desire and arousal are highly subjective, But reading this book left me feeling defective, Just what’s wrong with me? Why can’t I […]
Being the capable but cynical woman I am, I have never attracted romantic men. In fact, while indulging in the dating game all those years ago, I would have been uncomfortable with a man who bought me flowers or whispered sweet nothings. Any attempt at romance would have been met with derision, or at worst, […]
A funny thing happened …
Having reported yesterday that nothing funny had happened for ages, I have to tell you that my memory had let me down. On Monday evening after a frustrating time trying to get to grips with a plastered foot and crutches, and having struggled upstairs […]