On Gardening

When we moved into our house, the garden, like everywhere else, was in dire need of a makeover. The inside was our priority as it needed new floors, heating, plaster and so on, and to make matters more complicated, the week before we started working on it, Whizz was made redundant.

Dogs and Cats

Although we have always loved her, Gizmo, our small, black cat had a traumatic life coming as she did from a single parent home. She arrived in our lives when Horace turned seven, a guilt present because I had split up with Horace’s dad. We already owned/were owned by, Ben, a brown tabby with a […]

Slip Slidin’ Away

Apparently I’m ranting too much and need to retrieve my sense of humour, so here is my nod at levity. One reason for my grumpiness could be an impending, significant birthday. Well, it’s not so much the birthday as the physical defects that accompany it. My back aches when I garden, my hips give me […]

When Size Matters

A woman should never complain when her husband is helpful. It’s bad form and she runs the risk of him refusing further attempts. A husband should be rewarded with respect and gratitude when he takes up his domestic hat, and dusts it off before making for the supermarket or the Marigolds. It was to Costco […]

Age, and stuff

If you’ve been paying attention here, you’ll know that I broke a bone in my foot in July, and lost a whole summer. Now I’m beginning to recover I find that being sedentary for two months has aged me by about five years. You know what they say: use it or lose it? I didn’t […]

Child Quote 12

                    This came from a friend and it made me laugh. She visited the zoo with her little son and his granddad. When they reached the penguins the tiny boy poked his finger through the fence and said ‘Duck’ ‘No,’ explained Granddad, ‘It’s a penguin.’ ‘Duck […]