Can you hear me Mother?
My mother is 93 and very deaf. She has been quite deaf for years. In fact, when she was my age, she was noticeably hard

Measuring up
Today, Whizz, Mavis, Horace, Kerching and I will set off for Shitstable – so named because of its unenviable connection with raw sewage. We head

Voting with our hearts
It is quite obvoius to me and presumably to most of us, that the Conservative party has shown a lack of wisdom during this parliament,

Whizz has a new job. It involves a short daily commute – about 10 miles – to Duckchester. Accustomed to working from home and taking

Dog story
Our poor old Milo quit this life on Boxing Day 2021, but our step-dog, Grabber, padded into the breach to help us through our sadness.

Horace Memories
Story Number One Horace and two girl friends decided upon a weekend away and booked a self-contained flat on AirBnB. In the flat, they had