Technology. More Funny Things
Once I had a career, not writing or cajoling infants to use their minds, but in the uncreative yet stimulating environment of computer systems. Knowing
A Funny Thing Happened on my Delivery Round
In Pebbleditch we have a quarterly magazine, The Pebbleditch Parish Post or PPP. I was once the Editor of this worthy publication, and still feel

A funny thing happened in the hospital
There’s not much to laugh about when you’re undergoing a pre-op for breast surgery (don’t worry, just some abnormal cells that need to be removed
The Book
I said it would be out in 2015. I was lying. Anyhow, now at least there is some publicity. Have a look at this. Yes
Age, and stuff
If you’ve been paying attention here, you’ll know that I broke a bone in my foot in July, and lost a whole summer. Now I’m
The Scottish Problem
Is it me or is anyone else, who thinks themselves British-English, a little hurt by the apparent hatred many Scots seem to feel for us?