Spring Fever

Spring appears to have gained confidence here in Pebbleditch. The ringed collar dove which has woken me up at 5am every morning has either been shot, or got his oats, consequently I slept until 8.30 this morning; a good start to the day. The prospect of a bank holiday weekend after a very busy week […]

Trampolines, Gales and Excreta

For Mavis’s 5th birthday we bought a trampoline, a great big circular thing which dominated the garden. Being conscientious parents we also invested in side walls to prevent her from bouncing off and injuring herself, and a protective cover. The walls are made of aluminium pipes which extend from the ground to about 6 feet […]

Another Holiday Story

Holidays on a canal can be relaxing in middle age, and entertaining when young. I have only experienced the latter and there are too many stories to recount of meals falling into laps, people falling into canals, me landing in the snow and one outstanding time when something else fell rather inconveniently into the water. […]

A Curry Feast which won?t put on pounds

These recipes are really good if you are on a slimming world diet. They are free on a green day (if you use the chicken as a healthy extra). You can leave out the chicken if you prefer but it does add depth to the flavour. If you don’t cook the split peas enough watch […]

On Supermarkets

What would we do without the ubiquitous supermarket? We are repeatedly reminded by farmers that supermarkets are the enemy of British farming, forcing down prices and dictating trading terms. Perhaps this is true. As I have said in my article ‘There’s No Way Out’, we have the society we deserve. Some farmers have used their […]

Education, I?m a Dinosaur

I was somewhat surprised after writing my article ‘There’s No Way Out’, to discover that I appear to be a socialist. But when I start to think about education I see that I am a ‘grey area’, a floating voter, a dinosaur. Is that a bad thing? As my two children are both at very […]

A Pome (tiddly pom)

Read, Write, Listen, Think, Walk, talk, love, eat, drink, If there were no chores to do These simple things would see me through.

Oven Roasted Tomatoes

This is really good low fat food for any diet and a great way to use up slightly over ripe tomatoes from the reduced counter. It is good as part of a salad, as a starter served with crusty bread or as part of a mixed hors d’oevre. Large, ripe tomatoes, sliced in half across […]

There’s no way out!

This country is financed by a pot of money provided by The Tax Payer. The money is spent on our behalf by The Government. The poorest members of our society are the Non-tax Payers. These people, often through no fault of their own, need extra money from The Pot. Proportionally their health is poorer, they […]

Smoked Mackerel Pate

Another of my basics for a red day. Tastes good with salad or if you increase the cheese to make it milder you can roll smoked salmon round it. If you use fromage frais instead of Quark it makes more of a dip consistency and you can serve it with carrot and courgette sticks. Equal […]