
Being the capable but cynical woman I am, I have never attracted romantic men. In fact, while indulging in the dating game all those years ago, I would have been uncomfortable with a man who bought me flowers or whispered sweet nothings. Any attempt at romance would have been met with derision, or at worst, […]

A funny thing happened …

                      Having reported yesterday that nothing funny had happened for ages, I have to tell you that my memory had let me down. On Monday evening after a frustrating time trying to get to grips with a plastered foot and crutches, and having struggled upstairs […]

Keep Smiling

A little while ago I wrote that this blog is intended to relate ‘A funny thing happened on the way to…’ type of stories. Well, on Monday, a (not) funny thing happened on the way to the freezer in the garage. This domestic appliance is located behind the house and accessed via patio doors in […]

Recipe. Spicy, creamy prawns with rice

Hopefully you’ve read my previous post about rice. This recipe served one person. I was all alone with a bottle of this. A remarkably good bottle of rose from Aldi. It cost £5.99. It needed something fishy and luxurious and this is what I cooked. Ingredients A knob of butter or a tbsp of oil […]

Rice – a working woman’s staple

Apparently rice can be dangerous if cooked and frozen, then re-heated. There’s a bacterium that can be found in rice. I’ve never met it but here’s a quote from Uncooked rice can contain spores of Bacillus cereus, a bacterium that can cause food poisoning. When the rice is cooked, the spores can survive. If […]

I’m wound up – again

Yes. Very. And of course when that happens I pick up my virtual pen and ramble. Today’s grouse is about the fact that the people who lead us don’t seem able to do the decent thing any more. Our council tax is to rise by 1.99%. This, according to the council, is the maximum it […]

Writing while living

As I’ve got closer to the completion of my first novel I’ve begun to build up a Twitter presence and to interact on Facebook. This has been mainly to publicise my e-book when it eventually emerges, but actually, I’ve enjoyed getting stuck into social media, Twitter in particular. I’ve found fellow writers, publishers, agents, foodies, […]

The pen is mightier, so is a stiff whisky

It is an unfortunate fact that, although most of us have legs, many prefer to use the car. This is not a lecture, I’m (nearly) as bad as the next person. My dog walk usually starts with a short drive although I could easily walk from home. The constraining factor? Time. The reason I am […]

New Hat

I feel inspired to share with you my new hat, purchased in the summer sales to keep me warm and cosy on just such an afternoon as this. Today the wind howled, the rain pelted and the temperature plummeted. Oho I thought, time to get out my new hat. I bought the hat in a […]

Christmas – The Creative and The Technologist

In case you haven’t noticed, Christmas is almost upon us. The older I get the more disorganised I become. Sometimes I catch sight of Whizz, looking hopelessly at me wondering how he can help, while I rush round like the torso of a hen. Today, much to my amusement, and I don’t really understand why […]