I suppose, really, that Mavis should not be called a child, now that she is 18, however she is still my child and this is my blog so I’m continuing the Child Quote theme.
We are in the Easter holidays; both of us at home. This is a rare opportunity for me to have some quality time with Mavis – when she gets up, and doesn’t have her nose pressed to her phone. Today we went out for lunch and then to see The Greatest Showman. The film was not my favourite, but it entertained me enough to keep me awake, and Mavis enjoyed it, which is enough for me.
It was while dining that conversation led to my proposal that, as there was a bit of time, perhaps we could browse around a couple of clothes shops. ‘I feel like a change of look. Give myself a bit of style,’ I said.
‘You already have a style,’ Mavis replied. Aah, was this daughter of mine about to pay me a compliment?
‘Do I?’
‘Yeah, Batty Old Teacher style.’
I paused, thinking that I rather liked the idea of looking a bit batty. ‘I don’t mind looking like a batty teacher,’ I said. ‘Like Mrs Slopes?
‘No,’ Mavis corrected, ‘A batty old teacher. Mrs Slopes looked like a batty teacher, but you look like the kind of teacher that makes the kids wonder if you’re a witch.’
I think I prefer her when she’s ignoring me.