I haven’t posted one of these for a while. Mavis and Horace are lovely, but not cute any more and their witty remarks are sophisticated. There is still plenty of opportunity for cute stuff as I work in a primary school but I have to be careful.
This time of year, I imagine in most primary schools, the SATs and assessments are over and the end of the school year is imminent. Teachers and children are tired but there are matters less academic to focus on, such as concerts, leavers assemblies and school trips.
We also have something called Transition Day. This is a marvellous innovation. There was nothing like it when I was at school. The children all move up to their next class so that they and their new teacher can get to know one another. In year 6 students head off to spend a couple of days in their new secondary school.

This is what was happening on the day when I had to swallow my hanky to stifle a guffaw. The teacher explained to the children that, like Superman, they were Super (learning) heroes. They had to think of a super learning name such as Mr Mathematic, and explain what their super power was. Maybe they were super spellers or super multipliers (if you see what I mean. We don’t teach human reproduction until Year 6). The (learning) bit escaped some, who gave themselves names such as Captain Fantastic but who cared, they were having fun? The children also had to explain on their paper, what their weakness was. Superman had Kryptonite and theirs could be ‘Evil PE’ or whatever.
I don’t often have the chance to work in a class as I usually work one to one, supporting children with Speech and Language or Special Educational needs, so I was enjoying looking over shoulders and chatting about the choices children had made.
This is what made me giggle. In the box entitled ‘Super Power’ a child had written ‘Wondering’ and beside that, in the box entitled ‘Weakness’, she had put ‘Thinking’.
I’m with her there.
One Response
I love the goldfish moving up to the bigger bowl.