In life we meet many types of people. Some are easy to like, others take a bit more tolerance. That includes me. Many people love me, but others dislike me. I take some getting used to, being a loud and opinionated human being.
Lately I have been tried by a certain person at work. This person, I think, who is like me but in extremis, and that is always difficult. To be confronted by ones own failings is cause for introspection.

in Nichirin Buddhism we are taught to value each person as precious, and to welcome hardship as a test of our inner strength. In addition to this we must never castigate ourselves for our failings but first and foremost, accept and love ourselves. This sounds a pretty tricky balancing act, but the latter part is more helpful than I can say. If I love myself, I don’t feel threatened by the behaviour of others. This prevents me from feeling defensive and acting that way. It really works. OK. I’m not perfect. Sometimes I forget and feel angry, hurt and all the rest but I sense myself getting better.
So, on to something lovely: Our lodger was 50 today. His wife had conspired with me to provide a full English breakfast, accompanied (a touch of my own) by a breakfast muffin with one candle. I also took delivery of several presents from his children, which he opened while they watched via Facetime. It was a lovely way to start the day. I was going to make dinner for him – although he didn’t know this. He has decided to go home to his family for the evening. A far better idea on a special day.
Meanwhile, one of our regular guests, due here at any minute, sent me a text. ‘It has been a year since I first came to stay with you. I’m bringing Prosecco to celebrate’.
Today I can feel good without having to try – apart from the fact that this was to be a non-alcohol week. Ah well, maybe next week.